The Association of Stated Clerks receives the nominations for the C. Fred Jenkins Constitutional Services Award. This is an award of the ASC through which we honor the distinguished services of C. Fred Jenkins.
Awarded in memory of C. Fred Jenkins to an individual or group that has given wise, prudent, and vigilant support to the Constitution and polity of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
C. Fred Jenkins served his Lord as Associate Stated Clerk from 1990 until his death in 2000. During his tenure, Fred was available always to those who sought his counsel and wisdom, and demonstrated in his responses, in wonderful ways, a love of the church and a grace in the face of our frailties. In his memory and in an attempt to preserve and nurture the values for which he stood, the Association has established this award.
The award will be presented at our gathering at General Assembly. A permanent award is also placed in the Stated Clerks Library in the Office of the General Assembly in Louisville.
If you have someone you wish to be considered for this award, please submit your nomination to David Bartley, President of the Association of Stated Clerks, at Please supply the name and contact information for your nominee, and answer the following questions to aid the committee in its considerations of candidates for this award:
What specific things has your nominee done that makes you believe he or she (or group) should receive the C. Fred Jenkins Constitutional Services Award?
How specifically has your nominee given wise and prudent support to the Constitution and polity of the Presbyterian Church( USA) and why do you believe it was wise and prudent?
How specifically has your nominee been vigilant in support of the Constitution and polity of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and why do you characterize this as being vigilant?
Why specifically do you believe your nominee’s actions have demonstrated a love of the church and grace in the face of its frailties?
Thank you for your consideration of the best person(s) to honor with this award.
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